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Panelist – Grow Your Business Conference & Expo

National Small Business Week … Grow Your Business Conference & Expo

This event was designed especially for entrepreneurs and small business owners to accelerate their business growth.

The full day of Workshops, Mentoring and Business Roundtables featured World-Class Speakers on topics that included:

– Affordable Sales & Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses
– Integrating Social Media and Email Marketing to Drive Sales Growth

I was honored to be one of the Affordable Sales & Marketing panelists!

Washington, DC

Author: Romona Foster

Romona Foster is the Social Media Trainer and Consultant at Social Media How To’s with Romona. Romona teaches small businesses and nonprofits how to use Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Google My Business — and the best practices of Email Marketing, Online Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, and Personal Branding. She is a featured contributor with Business2Community and is a Constant Contact Community blogger.

Social Media Speaking & Training Engagements