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Presenter – Content Marketing: What to Say, and How to Say It!

Constant Contact Content Marketing: What to Say, and How to Say It!

In this seminar participants learned time-saving tips, techniques, and apps that can help their content.

They learned how to:

– Create
– Curate
– Extend

We covered tidbits like how many links create the most engagement; how to turn questions into high-open subject lines; tips on using graphics, pictures, and videos; repurposing content across multiple platforms; and more.

DC Chamber of Commerce

Author: Romona Foster

Romona Foster is the Social Media Trainer and Consultant at Social Media How To’s with Romona. Romona teaches small businesses and nonprofits how to use Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Google My Business — and the best practices of Email Marketing, Online Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, and Personal Branding. She is a featured contributor with Business2Community and is a Constant Contact Community blogger.

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