2019 has been very trying for me personally, but very good for business. Personally, I’m glad to see it go, but if my business could speak it would say thank you, 2019!
This year, I had the pleasure of sharing a lot of great social media how to’s with you — and since this will be the last email you receive from me this year, I wanted to share with you my top 10 social media posts according to Google Analytics.
Disclosure: Some companies that I mention are my marketing and training partners. I am an affiliate of others. I get commissions for purchases made through affiliate links on this page. I only recommend products and services from companies I trust, tools I’ve used, and those that I highly recommend and feel may be of value to you and beneficial to your marketing efforts.
How To Post to Instagram (Android)
+ How To Create An Instagram Post On Canva
Recently, a client asked if I could write out instructions for her to start posting on Instagram while we work on creating her personal brand.
I realize that if she needs a step-by-step tutorial on how to post on Instagram, you may be looking for the same.