In a previous post, I showed you how to schedule posts from your Facebook Business Page, but I am aware that some of you like the client whose account I will use in this demonstration have to schedule posts via Facebook’s new Publishing Tool – as the scheduling option is no longer available for her when we create posts on her Facebook Business Page ‘Home’ tab.
Here is a Step-By-Step Guide to scheduling a post using Facebook’s Publishing Tool:
1. Login to your Facebook account.
2. Click on the drop-down arrow in the upper right-hand corner on the blue navigation bar.
3. Select the Facebook Business Page you want to schedule a post to.
4. You should now be on your Facebook Business Page. Once there, click on the ‘Publishing Tool’ on the top white navigation bar. (If you are not on the same page that you see in the screenshot, you will need to click on ‘More’ to get to the ‘Publishing Tool’. You will find ‘More’ on the top white navigation bar as well.)
5. This will bring you to the ‘Published Posts’ page where you will see all of the posts that you have posted on your Facebook Business Page.
Click on the blue ‘+ Create’ button.
6. This will take you to the ‘Create Post’ tab where you will find three other tabs and see many options. They include:
Create Post Tab – this is the tab we will use to create a post. This includes an option to schedule posts for a later date.
Event Tab – you can use this to post an event on your Facebook Business Page. The ability to schedule posts is available for Facebook Events.
Offer Tab – if you have an offer or promotion you want to share, use this option. Facebook offers gives you the option to schedule posts.
Job Tab – this will allow you to post a job offer. At this time, Facebook Jobs does not have an option to schedule the job announcements to go out at a later date.
Write a post – this is where we will enter the text and call to action of your post.
Photo/Video – use this button to upload a photo or video to your post.
Feeling/Actions – add emojis to your post when you click on this button.
Check in – if you are at a business or location like a restaurant, you can click ‘Check in’ to let people know you are there and post photos and information about your visit.
The three horizontal dots will give you more options, and they include …
> Poll – this will allow you to create a poll in your post.
> Support Nonprofit – you can ask your followers to support a cause that you are passionate about.
> Watch Party – you can start a ‘Watch Party’ and share it with your audience – from a Facebook Livestream you’ve created or one someone else has created.
> Advertise Your Business – this button will allow you to create ads on Facebook.
Share Now Drop Down Arrow – this is what you will click to schedule your post for a later date.
Boost Post – this will allow you to show your post to more people by paying Facebook to boost your post in the news feed.
Preview – will let you see what your post will look like before you share it.
Share Now – use this button to share your post onto your Facebook Business Page.
7. Type the text of your post, add your images, and select any of the other options mentioned in step 6 above.
8. Click on the ‘Share Now’ drop-down arrow, and select the ‘Schedule’ option.
9. On the ‘Schedule Post’ box, you will see publishing options. Make sure the ‘Publication’ checkbox is checked, so you can select a date and time in the future to publish your post.
You will see a ‘Suggested’ option where Facebook will choose a date and time based on when your followers are most active.
You will also see a ‘Custom’ option where you choose the date and time you want to publish your post.
Choose one of those two options by clicking on the corresponding radio button.
Once you’ve selected one of these options, you can go ahead and click the blue ‘Schedule’ button.
In this tutorial, I have selected ‘Custom’ radio button.
Note: You will also see a ‘Distribution Schedule’ section where you can select a date and time in the future for when you want your post to stop showing in the news feed. This can be used if the content in your post has an expiration date.
10. After you’ve clicked on the ‘Schedule’ button, the ‘Schedule Now’ button will turn into a ‘Later’ button. If you need to make any changes, you can click on the ‘Later’ button drop-down arrow. When you do, it will give you the option to schedule now, a different date, backdate it or save it as a draft.
If all is good, go ahead and click on ‘Schedule Post’.
11. To confirm your post is scheduled, click on the ‘Scheduled Posts’ link on the left side navigation of the ‘Publishing Tool’. You should see your post in the ‘Scheduled Posts’ list in the center of the page.
If you have multiple posts scheduled, you will see them all there.
If you don’t see your post after clicking on the ‘Scheduled Posts’ link, try refreshing the page and click on the ‘Scheduled Posts’ link again. If you still don’t see your post, you most likely will need to follow the steps in this tutorial again.
That is it! Be sure to check your Facebook news feed on the date and time your post is scheduled to go out to make sure it posted.
If you missed the post I did on scheduling posts directly from your Facebook Business Page on Android, check out this article to see if you still have the option to schedule posts there. Just as I mentioned in the beginning of this article, you may or may not have this option as Facebook changes every day, and features I have you may not have and vice versa.
If you need to learn how to use your Facebook Business Page to market your business, be sure to schedule a Facebook training with me here >>
Related Posts:
- How To Schedule Posts on Facebook 2020 (Android): Did Facebook Remove Scheduled Posts
- How To Quickly Schedule Posts On Facebook (How To Schedule Facebook Posts)
- How To Download Your Facebook Timeline Photos, Posts, and Other Activity You’ve Shared (Download Your Facebook Data)
- How To Add Your Social Media Manager As Admin On Your Facebook Business Page
- How To Make Your Facebook Business Page Private (How To Unpublish Your Facebook Business Page)
Author: Romona Foster
Romona Foster is the Social Media Trainer and Consultant at Social Media How To’s with Romona. Romona teaches small businesses and nonprofits how to use Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Google My Business — and the best practices of Email Marketing, Online Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, and Personal Branding. She is a featured contributor with Business2Community and is a Constant Contact Community blogger.