If you are using the Google My Business App, hopefully, you are also receiving reviews. Today I’m going to show you how to respond to those reviews when you receive them.
First, let me say a few things about receiving reviews on Google My Business.
As a small business owner, one of the things that you always want to make sure that you do is respond to those reviews.
In responding to those reviews, whether they are positive or negative, you always want to be polite.
Never, ever have an argument with someone on the Google review platform, (and even off of the review platform).
Thanks to all of you that have taken advantage of the COVID-19 marketing specials to include the:
Get Unstuck Marketing Brainstorming Sessions; and
50% off WordPress websites
Because I and the other small businesses helping small businesses have been blessed during this time, we are doing everything we can to be a blessing — by helping small business owners to either get online or do online business better!
Maybe you’ve seen it, the Facebook Personal account has a new design that is being rolled out to everyone!
Keep reading to see what’s changed and what has stayed the same, how to switch to Facebook’s new design, and finally, how to switch back to Facebook Classic if you don’t like the redesign.
I’m sure you’ve received a Facebook friend request from someone you were already friends with at some point. You probably wondered why they were sending you a second friend request since you were already Facebook friends.
Sometimes a friend might create another Facebook account and send out new friend requests, but it is rare — and they really shouldn’t have more than one Facebook account anyway.
Tip: Don’t ever create multiple Facebook Personal accounts. It is against Facebook’s policy. They will shut all but one down and won’t ask you which one is your prefered account.
In a previous post, I showed you how to schedule posts from your Facebook Business Page, but I am aware that some of you like the client whose account I will use in this demonstration have to schedule posts via Facebook’s new Publishing Tool – as the scheduling option is no longer available for her when we create posts on her Facebook Business Page ‘Home’ tab.
Here is a Step-By-Step Guide to scheduling a post using Facebook’s Publishing Tool:
12 Things Small Business Owners & Consultants Can Do Right Now Amid The Coronavirus Crisis
Small business owners and consultants who are still able to conduct business, during the Coronavirus crisis, should be looking at this slow or downtime as a time to reevaluate, restrategize, and relearn (or learn) some areas of business.
Disclosure: Some companies that I mention are my marketing and training partners. I am an affiliate of others. I get commissions for purchases made through affiliate links on this page. I only recommend products and services from companies I trust, tools I’ve used, and those that I highly recommend and feel may be of value to you and beneficial to your marketing efforts.
Canva is one of the easiest and best graphic design tools you can use to create social media posts and other graphics.
In this short video tutorial, I will show you how to create an image to post to social media. I will give you step-by-step directions starting with an introduction to Canva templates, then on how to select a template and edit it for your own use. Learn how to change the colors, font color and size plus I’ll show you how to download the graphic to your phone and post it to social media.
I will show you how to do this using Canva on an Android mobile device.
Previously, I had mentioned that Facebook removed the schedule posts feature when they rolled out the Facebook Creative Studio and their Publishing platform to everyone.
Well, today at least on my Android, while using the Facebook Business Manager app, the ability to schedule posts is back.
This quick video tutorial will show you how to schedule Facebook posts on your Facebook Business Page from your Android mobile device.
NEWS FLASH: If you have a Google My Business Listing, you should be posting to it regularly just like you do your Facebook Business Page, your LinkedIn profile and your Instagram business account. And, I suggest that you make it a priority over the other social media platforms.
Why? Because it is a Google property, and it will help you to get found when your customers conduct a Google Search!
Here is a little guide with images I put together to show you how to quickly create a post for Google My Business on a desktop computer. This guide also includes a frequently asked questions section just in case you have more questions after you follow these steps.