September 19, 2018 by Romona Foster
September 18, 2018 by Romona Foster
You may notice more and more people are writing articles on LinkedIn (something I have been a little slow at keeping up with) and wondered how you can publish your own articles on LinkedIn’s Publishing platform.
This post will provide you with six quick steps on how to create and publish your articles (or blog posts) on LinkedIn.
August 6, 2018 by Romona Foster
A few years back, I published a LinkedIn article called, “Be Your Own Unique and AMAZING Self: Make Your LinkedIn Profile Your Own!” after someone reached out to me, on LinkedIn and said she wanted to develop a training partnership.
She then told me that she had looked at my LinkedIn profile and copied exactly what I had on my profile and did the same on hers. She said, she “just changed some of the words.”
For some reason, she thought that was okay, but actually, it was not.
July 24, 2018 by Romona Foster
See all the great things Constant Contact’s
email marketing can do for your business this summer!
BUY TODAY and heat things up with 40% off for 3 months of Constant Contact using promo code: SPSC18.
You’ll get a great deal and all the tools you need to connect with customers and generate new business.
July 5, 2018 by Romona Foster
Last month, I taught a course called, “Affiliate Marketing: Make Money While You Sleep.”
One of the things I discussed with the class participants is how to make money on their (or how to monetize their) blog with Google Adsense.
June 29, 2018 by Romona Foster
UPDATED POST: February 2, 2022 can be found here. It includes both Facebook Business Manager and Facebook Business Suite.
Every couple of months, Facebook moves my Facebook Business Page to the Facebook Business Manager — with the intention of getting me to manage my business page and my Facebook Ad campaigns on this annoying platform. And, every couple of months, I have to take time out of my day to remove it. Ugh!
April 30, 2018 by Romona Foster
If you haven’t registered yet for the U.S. Small Business Administration and SCORE Association’s FREE National Small Business Week Virtual Conference, it’s not too late! The virtual conference will be held for three days and begins tomorrow Tuesday, May 1, 2018, and will end on Thursday, May 3, 2018.
April 23, 2018 by Romona Foster
Never thought I’d be writing this post about what I thought was a simple Google Chrome extension … a spell-checker to say the least.
But, is Grammarly just a simple spell-checker? I’ve found out that it absolutely is not. It not only checks your spelling but checks your grammar as well. It gets in your business in a good way.
April 16, 2018 by Romona Foster
Today, I received the following question on Twitter:
“Romona, I’ve gotten a “follower” who, shall we say, isn’t interested in my message. Her photo is more appropriate to some other type of site. That’s all. Should I: 1. ignore, 2. block, or 3. mute? I had one similar follower and she unfollowed after a few days. Thanks.”
April 12, 2018 by Romona Foster